Thursday, March 8, 2007

Technology and the Internet

I believe that the Internet and technology offer many new ways to present old ideas. It gives teachers more resources to use in their classrooms especially when it comes to giving students a visual aid to accompany their learning. For instance, my students will be very young, being that I am an elementary education major, and children love to have visual representations of the things they are learning. Whether they are studying another culture or about a certain animal, think of all the pictures, educational shows, and reports available on the Internet. Many math books also have sites that offer interactive learning, which I think will reinforce what the students have learned. A pen pal project could be accomplished so much easier with email and teachers can easily access other students all over the world.

When students are researching a certain subjects, the Internet can provide a world of information, but the downside is how much of that information is actually reliable. Anyone can make a page about anything whether or not they know any real facts about a subject. Children can get a lot of wrong information from the Internet. Children can also access a lot of inappropriate content on the Internet because the Internet does not offer enough censorship.

Technology like many other things has its positives and negatives, but can be very beneficial in the classroom.